June 8, 2014


Today marks 9 days that I've been in Pemba. As the plane landed 9 days ago, I could not stop crying (thank God for sunglasses). I was in awe that God would see me through and actually have this opportunity. I have so much to say but I will hold off and talk about my time in the Bush outreach.

I can't say where we went because of safety/privacy issues but it was a village really remote. They have no running water, no electricity and their diet consists of what they grow (unfortunately because of the flood, many of their resources were washed away). We got there Thursday night and as we drove into their village, about 50 kids were running after the truck trying to jump in the back haha. We set up camp and went onto set up for the night service. 

We did a skit (prodigal son), sang a song that our group wrote in Portuguese and Makua, watched a film on Jesus and Mama Heidi gave a word. Almost everyone came for prayer for either healing or salvation. The next day we found out that about 4 people were healed of stomach issues, 1 person was deaf and now could hear, and a teenager who wanted to stop drinking said the smell of alcohol made him sick!

That night we fed the village and all I can say is that Breakout prepared me for that lol! Kids everywhere love their food :) 

The next day we all personally greeted and thanked the pastor, chief of the village and the father of the village. Heidi shared that 4 years ago they would get stoned everytime they came to the village. but my greeting the leaders, bringing them presents and having people from around the world introduce themselves, we were reversing the role of colonization. WOW! so powerful.

I went with a girl in my group to visit and pray for the people in that village. We met a Muslim woman and stayed with her all day. We brought her water and some candy. We invited her to come to the service that night, and guess what she did! It was awesome.

That night, God continued to work in mighty ways. So many young kids wanted prayer. To end their addictions, to cure their colds. wow.

I got back yesterday and first thing i did with my group is go to the beach to shower lol. We hadn't showered for days. We could not stop laughing as we were with our long skirts and shoes in the ocean, or Maka. We take so many things for granted.

Afterwards, my roommates wanted to take me to eat. As we were walking, i saw a little boy guiding a blind man. I thought to myself, oh he's blind, thats so sad but nice that the boy is with him. And then as we passed the man he said "Boa Noite!" We went to speak to him and he was asking if we were missionaries from Iris and if we would be at church on Sunday. We said yes, and kept talking to him. A few minutes later, he asked if we could pray for his sight. We did and he was beyond thankful! He then prayed and blessed us beautifully!

I couldn't help but think, this man has probably received so many prayers for healing and he still hasnt seen. But he still loves his God, still worships Him, and still rejoices in Him. What faith!!! Once again, God ripped me and told me not to be afraid of praying and seeing the miracle right there. Just being able to pray for someone is such a privilege and honor. And we don't always see all that God is doing, but we are called to believe. 
 Matthew 21:22 "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

** I will get my phone back on Wednesday. :)

** Still no running water in our home but after being in the bush, it aint that bad. I'm about to get muscles walking up the hill with a bucket every day :)

Thank you everyone for the sweet emails. 

Mulucko Orereheni! (God Bless you)


  1. <3 my heart beats quick for you girl.. love you

  2. Jess I can't help but read this and cry the entire time!!! This is so YOU! And so touching. Love ya!

  3. Jessssss! Its amazing to see the love God has for Africa thru your eyes! Keep on being a blessing!
    We miss you...

  4. Jess, I'm so glad that you are making us part of this Journey through this blog. Reading your experiences make me feel like I'm there with you. I get so happy when I see your email about a blog update. It's all so amazing, and It's so beautiful to see the way you are being used by God.
    love you!
