February 24, 2014

Guard your {heart}

Growing up I was always told to "guard my heart." I had no idea what that meant. Was I not supposed to say "I love you" to my boyfriend?
Or maybe keep my dreams to myself? Well I tried all that but I still got hurt. Last year I finally understood what it meant. To me, it meant that all of my secrets, dreams and desires should go to God first.

He longs to hear from you and He'll protect your heart when you go to Him.

My pains and frustrations, should go to Him.
My joys and excitement, should go to Him.

He is the author of my life and He promises to care for His children. While men or women might ridicule you or call you crazy (been there, done that), God won't.

God doesn't think your dreams are crazy because He put them there.

Going to Him protects not only our feelings but our dreams that were inspired by God. I once told a guy I was dating a dream of mine. he laughed and it crushed me. It took me many years to believe in it again. He wasn't trying to be mean. It was just a really BIG dream and it did sound ridiculous! But If I had *guarded my heart and just talked to God about it, I probably wouldn't have been discouraged.

A God-given dream isn't possible through human eyes. And if your dream is still a seed,(aka in the beginning stage) I would encourage you to keep it between you and God. Keep it between the Lover of your soul until you're so confident in it that you won't be discouraged with negativity.

Guarding your heart is also about protecting that place that you want to share with your FSH (future studhubs). How beautiful must it be to share your dreams and passions with your forever love and not be afraid of him discouraging you?!

I love the quote above from Princess Bride. In a world where people are so quick to share what's on their mind/heart with the world (thanks a lot FB and twitter), I believe it's healthy and even wise to

keep some things close to your heart.

Let the seed {beginning stage} of your dream grow... Let the Author of Heavens take care of your heart. So that as it grows, it'll be healthy.

When your walls are up, it'll keep away the insects that live to destroy you from the inside out. The walls aren't there to keep love out. They're there to keep the right guy in. They're there to keep your heart and mind pure. Let God guard your heart. Let him be the gatekeeper of your garden, keeping away the pests who want to crush your dreams and desires.

Girls (and guys), God loves YOU and has what's best for you in mind. Trust HIM. He hasn't failed you yet, and he won't start now.

“What’s the price of a pet canary? Some loose change, right? And God cares what happens to it even more than you do. He pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail—even numbering the hairs on your head! So don’t be intimidated by all this bully talk. You’re worth more than a million canaries." Matthew 10:29-31 LOVE, jess

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